by Chris Gantry – Shared on New Years Day 2020
Over this year I have posted excerpts of what I call “The Outlaw Bible“.
What is the Outlaw Bible?
It is a book of insights into the world of the creative spirit that is responsible for all the beauty on the earth, principles that might even apply to things that happen after we leave this world.
Nashville Inspired
Being on the Nashville music scene since 1963 has made me privy to see a lot of wild and crazy stuff go down with the vibrant cast of characters I was connected too, and believe me, I was right in the thick of it along with them. I watched everything, heard everything, kept my ears open and sucked up all of those morsels of knowledge that swirled around me for decades.
We are the sum of all people we have ever met; you change the tribe and the tribe changes you.
Dirk Wittenborn – Fierce People
Real People
From each person I met, I took something of their creativity and added into my toolbox, styles, shapes, visions, revelations, and knowledge so that over time my own personal style of writing had the earmarks of all those iconic influences that were available to me without withholding or reservation; talk about being blessed, man!!!
Creative Manifesto
I took all those things that were given to me all these years and put them into a creative manifesto called “The Outlaw Bible” which contains the sum total of a life of playing in the sandbox of the creative spirit.
The writings do not tell anyone how to do anything but rather serves as a road map into the world of the spirit that if one takes that awesome honest leap, somewhere out there they will find the keys to the kingdom just as I have in the same spirit that Indiana Jones discovered the lost arc of the covenant.
It would behove any professional artist or novice to delve into it; it is meant to make the journey a bit more magical.
The Outlaw Bible is in its final edit and will be made available in 2020
Credit: Featured pic is FreeArt